Life Long Learning

This is a summary statement for all the parts of the Cranium CoRE processes making up the method and strategies within. 

This CoRE, Community of Reading Engagement, is aimed at preparing all the members of the community at being better at thinking and making decisions based on what they read.  Information is doubling every 15 months or so currently.  It is becoming correspondingly difficult to keep up with it.  Therefore, the ability to find valid information quickly is an increasingly valuable skill.  Cranium CoRE has the goal of improving this skill between the crosshairs.

If you read, write, speak and listen well, you can take those skills to any curriculum, any job and greatly enhance your chance at success.  It is this simple concept that drives us at Thinkersize, LLC.

The frosting on this cake comes with the social interaction skills embedded in the game show experience we recommend; independent thinking with interdependent decision making and discussion.

When you experience Cranium CoRE, you hopefully will see the multiple layers of skill sets exercised.  The virtual community we are building should empower the members to attain greater success in whatever direction they choose go in life.  There will be, no doubt, unintended and unforeseen benefits as we chart our course together in this Community of Reading Engagement.  Please join in and enjoy the ride!